Our confined space survey operatives regularly undertake detailed GIS location, structural & service condition surveys of manholes across Ireland. They are usually required when drainage system records have poor or missing detail, operational issues (such as excess water infiltration or blockages containing manhole materials) The information collected is typically used to identify a specific problem within a sewer or drainage system, or to provide new records where information is out-of-date, of low quality or absent. 

The survey information typically includes chamber and shaft sizes, construction materials, cover and invert levels, pipes entering and exiting the chambers and their invert levels and diameters. We are often asked to make an overall condition assessment and apply structural and service grade or scoring objective measures.

Coordinates and levels can be established using existing maps or via GPS equipment as defined by the client requirements.

The data is collected and either recorded in hard copy site survey card form or alternatively, input directly into rugged handheld data capture devices along with accurate positional data for the asset (both vertically and horizontally) using the latest GPS surveying equipment. All manhole information is collected is output into the client’s preferred format. Our recommended format for clients when building a GIS Sewer Network database is InfoAsset Manager (formerly InfoNet).

InfoAsset Manager (formerly InfoNet) is a purpose-built Infrastructure Management System (IMS) for water distribution, wastewater collection and stormwater networks. InfoAsset Manager allows us to gather, manage and present data in a cost-effective manner for our customers. We have the capability to provide them with detailed information and layouts of their networks. Our GPS mapping and constructed drawings service are increasingly in demand for taking in charge applications.

Advantages of Manhole Relining:

  • Ideal for brick and concrete manholes
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Non-disruptive sealing of leaks so less mess
  • Places impermeable coating inside structure
  • Stays permanently flexible
  • Effective against high flows
  • Impermeable to water, allows diffusion of water vapour

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about Manhole Relining or Manhole Injection, call us today on 0818 66 33 33 or email You can also send us a note on our Contact Us page.


Domestic Septic Tank Emptying, Cleaning & Inspection

€300 - SAVE €50

Exclusively to domestic jobs based in the following counties:
Cavan, Cork, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon, and Westmeath.

*Please note that this promotion is valid only for jobs booked and completed in January and February.