McBreen Environmental carry out hydroblasting (also known as hydrodemolition, or ultra high-pressure water jetting). Hydroblasting is a concrete removal technique which utilises ultra high-pressure water at pressures up to 40,000 psi. This removes deteriorated and sound concrete to expose reinforcement bars for repairs and or replacement.

This method is ideal to remove concrete without damage or impact to the reinforcement bars or vibration of a structure. This process provides an excellent bonding surface for repair material. Ultra High-Pressure Water Jetting is also suitable for the removal of coatings as opposed to abrasive or shot blasting. We carry this out prior to new coating applications and for the safe removal of lead-based coatings.

Case Studies

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about our Hydroblasting services, call us today on 0818 66 33 33 or email sales@mcbreen.ie. You can also send us a note on our Contact Us page.


Domestic Septic Tank Emptying, Cleaning & Inspection

€300 - SAVE €50

Exclusively to domestic jobs based in the following counties:
Cavan, Cork, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon, and Westmeath.

*Please note that this promotion is valid only for jobs booked and completed in January and February.