Integrity Testing

McBreen Environmental provide a computerised system for the testing of sewers and testing of water pipes. This is to ascertain the structural integrity of drainage networks. Most commonly we carry out inspections of drainage pipes, manholes, tanks and bunds. All of our tests are carried out to EN1610 standard which is in full accordance with EPA and other regulators guidance. Our test methods include air pressure testing of drainage pipes and hydrostatic testing of larger drainage networks, and testing of manholes, tanks & bunds.

Where a test shows a failure we will carry out a CCTV inspection to identify the cause of the leak or failure. Our trained engineers will then access the footage and recommend a suitable drain repair method.

Many of our customer sites are IPPC licenced and we have been contracted to carry out testing on foul & surface water networks as well as trade effluent or process drains.

We offer this service nationwide.

Pipeline integrity inspection methods

McBreen Environmental can undertake pipeline integrity testing & inspections in full accordance with EPA and other regulators’ guidance.  Test methods include hydrostatic testing and air pressure testing and pigging.  Where the air pressure of the hydrostatic test shows that the pipe leaks, a CCTV inspection identifies the cause of the leak.

Pipeline CCTV inspection

In some case sites have arranged CCTV inspections of their pipelines instead of air pressure or hydrostatic testing.  However, a CCTV inspection will not determine if a pipe is watertight.  The only way to prove water tightness is by an air pressure or hydrostatic test.

Assessment of above ground pipelines

Where pipes run above ground, leaks from valves, flanges and other fittings cause ground and surface water contamination. Often the EPA require an assessment to determine whether retention of leaks from valves and other fittings is required.  McBreen Environmental carry out these assessments and have undertaken such assessments for large pharmaceutical plants. We often find that either no retention is required as the site is fully bunded, or minimal remediation work is required.

In addition to pipeline integrity assessment, McBreen Environmental also offer advice on Tank, Manhole and Bund integrity assessments and firewater integrity assessments.

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about our Integrity Testing services, call us today on 0818 66 33 33 or email You can also send us a note on our Contact Us page.


Domestic Septic Tank Emptying, Cleaning & Inspection

€300 - SAVE €50

Exclusively to domestic jobs based in the following counties:
Cavan, Cork, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon, and Westmeath.

*Please note that this promotion is valid only for jobs booked and completed in January and February.